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"It's possible that the shifter gene is dormant within Pumpkin," Bethany explains. "I'm not sure if it's strong enough to let him shift fully, but it might be years until we know for sure. Right now, he's mostly cat."
"I think he understands us humans better than other cats do," Benjamin says hesitantly. "When I talk to him, I feel like he actually understands every single word. The other cats mostly respond to my body language, but it's different with Pumpkin. Maybe that's because of his parentage."
Ryker nods. "Maybe. He's always been very clever for a kitten, but I always put it down to his upbringing. I've put a lot of effort into teaching him, into creating the nursery for all the kittens. Not all parents have the time or means to do that."
Pumpkin sneezes suddenly, his entire body shaking, but he's still asleep. I smile down at him, envying how he can just sleep through all the problems we're having to deal with.
"I guess we can't do anything but wait and see what he grows up to be," I mutter, tempted to pet the little kitten, but I don't want to wake him. He deserves a nap.
"Most of the pups of humans and wolf shifters turn out to be human with a bit of a temper," Lennox says, eyeing Pumpkin curiously. "But cats and wolves aren't alike in a lot of things, so who knows."
Ryker nods. "We shall see. I'm going to make sure he has a lot of contact with humans so that if he turns out to be a shifter, he'll already know their behaviour and will be able to fit in."
Not if he had the same eye colour as Ryker. I don't voice that thought though, I don't want to give him more worries than he already has. Ryker will never pass as a human, not with those glowing eyes. Gorgeous eyes that are now fixed on me. I melt in their honey shades, my hormones awakening once more. Not again.
He raises an eyebrow. Damn, he must be able to smell my arousal. How am I going to keep sane around him? At least the other two seem to be oblivious to the way my core throbs and my breasts press against the fabric of my shirt.
I need to do some research, maybe I'll find a solution to my little predicament. I can't stand this for much longer. If this was to go on for a few more days, weeks even... I'd die of embarrassment. I should probably leave and stay in a hermitage for a while, away from temptation. Away from men who look at me like Ryker does now.
"What are we going to do about the Pack?" Lennox asks. I'm grateful for the distraction.
I turn to him, hoping that Ryker is no longer staring at me. "I think my siblings have to be the priority for now. I know all shifters are suffering under the Pack's rule, but looking at the evidence we have, my siblings are being experimented on, tortured, mistreated. And now that the Pack knows that I'm aware of them, they might use the girls as leverage against me. They might even have brainwashed them enough that they can be sent as assassins. I'm not sure I could kill them even if I had to."
I swallow hard at the thought. Even when I wasn't sure if Little Kat was a trap sent by the Pack, I wouldn't have been able to harm her. The oldest of my siblings is around sixteen, which means she's still a child. And I don't hurt children. Ever.
Gryphon nods. "I agree. Having spent time with Little Kat, I can't even try to imagine what she's gone through. If the others are still alive, we need to find and free them."
Lennox looks like he's about to protest, but he stays quiet. He's been part of the Pack, so of course, he must see that as his priority.
"Rescuing the girls will be a blow for the Pack," I say, mostly to him. "They've created them as their weapons, so hopefully losing them will disrupt their plans of whatever it is they're hoping to achieve."
Slowly, he inclines his head. "I know, it's just that I've waited so long to move against the Pack and now that we might have the opportunity... but I get it, and I agree. First the girls, then we'll destroy the Pack once and for all."
He makes it sound so easy. I wish it was.
"There are ten of us," I summarise. "That means eight are still out there. Two of them have been... sold to someone in Stormborough. Do any of you have contacts there?"
To my surprise, Lily raises her hand. "My sister goes to the succubus academy there. I'll give her a call."
"Thanks, Beth can tell you more details."
I can't. I won't. Even telling them that two of my siblings have been sold like slaves has made me feel sick.
Lennox puts an arm around me and draws me closer.
"We'll find them," he whispers. "We'll save them, don't worry. And we'll make sure they'll never be able to do that to others again."
"The youngest of the cl- of Kat's siblings is only around three," Beth says, giving me an apologetic look for her slip of the tongue. "Then there's one that's between her and Little Kat. The two girls who're now in Stormborough are both 14; they're twins. I mean, technically they're all identical, but those two were created at the same time. Not counting Kat, there are only two others who're older than them."
"I think we should look for the oldest ones first. If we're lucky, they're allowed to walk outside, maybe even go on jobs like I used to do. It would make it easier to find them. I doubt they're in this town though. I would have recognised the scent."
"Yeah, I would have, too," Lennox adds. "I sometimes came across Kat's scent, but I know that well enough to be sure that it was yours. I'm not sure if it's the same for you cats, but wolves can determine the age of someone from their scent. I would have noticed if the cat shifter was younger than you."
I can't help but sigh. "I've never been out of this town. I don't have any contacts in other cities. What if all of my siblings have been sent away? How are we ever going to find them?"
"That's why you've got a team," Lily says with a reassuring smile. "I'll get in touch with my sister and some of the other succubi I met during the festival I went to. They came from all over the place, so I'm well connected now. They might only be able to tell that someone is a shifter, not what kind exactly, but having a description of you might help. If they all look like you, we should start distributing some pictures of you, and maybe of Little Kat."
"Won't that draw attention to them?" Ryker asks with a concerned frown.
I shrug. "The Pack already know me, and they know that I have freed Little Kat. They know what I look like. We do have to make sure though that any information we get is vetted. The Pack will likely try and have us walk into a trap, so any tip-offs we get could be fake. And dangerous."
"I can try and get in touch with some of my friends," Gryphon says hesitantly. "But I'm not sure how many of them are trustworthy. I'd rather keep that as a last resort."
Knowing that the others aren't aware of his species, I quickly nod, not wanting any of them to ask him questions that he'd be unable to answer. One day, he's going to tell them, but I get why he doesn't want to. His family basically run the Pack as well as similar organisations all over the country. It would be easy to suspect that he's secretly still one of them - but I know him better. I trust him.
"I might be able to use my employer's network of contacts to do some digging." Lennox runs a hand through his black hair. "I'm sure I can come up with a good excuse. And I know a couple of shifters who travel between cities. They would be able to tell me if they've ever come across a panther shifter. It's not like there's a lot of you."
I smile at him, his azure eyes reminding me of something. "Little Kat told me about a blue house that she was taken to. A blue house with a red roof."
"That shouldn't be too hard to find," Ryker says. "I doubt there are many houses like that. Although I'm not sure my cats can help with that. They see colours differently from how you do."
Interesting. As a panther, my world is a little duller than when I'm human, but I've always found colours to be pretty much the same, just less intense. I didn't know it was different for cats.
"I know a house like that." Ben has been quiet until now, but he seems happy he can finally contribute something. "It's not that far actually, near the Drowned Man pub. All the houses in that street are colourful. Rumour is to make it easier for drunks to find their home."
Bethany snickers. "I've never been to the Drowned Man, but I think it's time for a visit. How about a night out for all of us?"
Chapter Eight
It's strange to be around so many people at once. Gryphon, Lennox, Beth, Benjamin and Lily are all walking by my side, on the way to the pub. Well, not sure we're actually going to end up in there. First we need to check out that blue house.
Ryker has gone to check on his cats, taking little Pumpkin with him. I think he needs some time to process the fact that he still doesn't know whether Pumpkin will one day be able to shift. I wish we'd been able to find a definite answer. Not knowing is always worse than knowing.
It's a workday, but still, the streets are full of people on the way to their evening haunts. The area we're heading to isn't one of the nicest. Prostitutes lean against the walls, showing way too much skin, with men leering at their half-exposed boobs. Drunks are traversing the street in wiggly lines, unable to keep upright. The sun hasn't even set yet and they're already pissed.
I don't like alcohol much. It makes me lose control of my senses, which is about the worst thing that can happen to an assassin.
Lennox hooks his arm around mine, startling me. This is a very close, very intimate gesture. Not something I do. I don't walk hand in hand with guys.
While I try and find a way to tell him gently that I don't like it, Gryphon does the same on my other side. I'm trapped between the two men. As if they've planned it.
Lily wolf-whistles from behind me. Bitch. I bet she's enjoying this. She knows how much I hate touchy-feely stuff.
If these two were any other men, I'd skewer them with my blades, but I can't. They're too valuable to hurt. I need them to save my siblings and to overthrow the Pack. That's all. The only reason. My heart beating faster at their touch has nothing to do with it.
"Once we're done, maybe we could go somewhere nice and have dinner," Gryphon mutters, just loud enough for me and Lennox to hear him.
"Are you suggesting a date?" Lennox sounds excited about that. "With both of us?"
Gryphon shrugs. "You're here, I'm here, we both want her, Kat wants us, so yes, let's do it."
I stop in my tracks, making them stumble backwards. "Wait a second. What did you just say?"
Bethany laughs as the three Meow employees walk around us. "See you at the pub."
Her and Lily snicker, and I'm tempted to throw something at them.
They leave me to my fate. Gryphon and Lennox wait until the others are out of earshot. How nice of them.
"She's not said no," Gryphon observes. "Which means you owe me a fiver."
This time, I push them away and step back, my hands at my hips as I stare them down.
"You took bets?" I ask, incredulous at their audacity.
Lennox gives me a sheepish smile. "It kind of happened. We had a chat on how to approach the subject with you. I thought you'd immediately protest and that we'd have to try something more subtle."
"You've had a chat," I stutter, my heart and my brain fighting for dominance.
"I smelled him on you," Lennox admits. "So I cornered him. I needed to know his intentions."
"Which are good," Gryphon interjects.
"Yes, I don't think he's trying to break your heart. And neither am I. So, think you can handle both of us?"
"Not at once," Gryphon adds quickly.
Lennox smirks. "Unless you want to."
I hold up my hands, my mind whirring. Am I hallucinating this? Is this some side effect of me being in heat?
"Where does this come from, all of a sudden?"
Lennox's smile falls a little. "I thought I'd shown you that I want you. Not just my wolf. Me too. And I understand that it's overwhelming and if you need more time, that's okay. I just wanted to stake my claim before the other two make you theirs."
Instinctively, I draw my two blades, pointing them at their throats. "I'm nobody's. Neither of you is going to claim me. I'm my own woman and you better understand that."
Gryphon blinks at me, his beautiful green eyes full of emotion that I can't quite pinpoint. "You can do the claiming if you want," he says hoarsely. "You're in charge."
Lennox stares at me for a moment, then inclines his head. "You're in charge."
I don't know what to say. Or do. Old Kat would have run. Probably after poisoning them, making them suffer for a couple of hours.
Kat-in-Heat, though, wants them. Not poisoned, but alive and virile. With me.
I look at the two of them. Gryphon, dressed in black as always, with his scarred face and grassy green eyes. Lennox, broader and taller than the other man, with hair as black as Gryphon's clothes and azure blue eyes that seem to sparkle when he looks at me. The two of them are gorgeous, and the thought of having both of them as mine makes me tremble. But there's also a tiny voice in my head, a greedy voice, reminding me that there's someone else. Ryker. If I take their offer and go on a date with the two of them, wouldn't that be unfair to the cat shifter? I want to be with him too. Yes, I'm greedy as fuck, but my current hormonal state is entirely unapologetic about that.
I take a deep breath. "I'm not going on a date with you today."
I watch them closely as disappointment mirrors on both of their faces. Yes, they really mean it. Really want me. That's reassuring.
"Because Ryker isn't here. Talk to him, add him to your weird man-talk thing, and then ask me out again."
Lennox laughs in relief. "I was wondering about him, but I didn't want to progress to three of us until you'd accepted us two."
Gryphon isn't looking quite as happy about it as the wolf.
"Gryphon?" I ask softly. "Are you okay with that?"
He nods. "Yes, just hadn't realised... Yes, I'm okay with it. We'll talk to him. We-"
A scream cuts through his words.
I exchange a look with the guys, then we run towards the screams, towards the pub where the others are.
Lily is on the ground, holding her arm. Her dress is covered in blood, but it doesn't seem to be hers. Bethany is standing in front of her, wielding a knife, snarling at anyone trying to get close. Benjamin is nowhere to be seen.
"What happened?" I shout as soon as I'm in earshot.
"A guy attacked her. Ben's ran after him." Beth points to a narrow alley to her right.
"Lily, are you alright?"
She nods, but the grimace on her face tells of the pain she must be in. "Go, don't worry about me."
As much as I would like to make sure she’s safe, I know she’s right. I hand Lily one of my knives, just in case the attacker returns.
"Bethany, stay with her. Gryphon, Lennox, you're with me."
I run into the dark alley, extending my cat senses, following Benjamin's scent. The street is getting narrower the further we run. There are old houses here, some more shacks than actual stone houses, and I doubt many of them are still inhabited. The perfect place to hide.
Benjamin has left a potent trail that's easy to follow. His scent is getting sweatier; I think even humans might be able to smell him by now.
We turn a corner and there he is, panting, looking up at the smooth wall of a house.
"He climbed up there," he calls out breathlessly. "I couldn't follow."
“Go back to the others,” I shout, but I don't stop running. I launch myself into the air and start to climb. I find footholds where most people would slip and fall. Gryphon overtakes me, climbing up as fast and light-footed as a spider. Call me impressed. Lennox stays on the ground, following the same strategy we used to employ back in the Pack. I'd follow on the rooftops, he'd be in the streets, cutting off our target's escape route.
There's a faint scent on the stone wall, giving me an idea of what to expect our mark to look like. He's human, male, must be past his prime. Not as much testosterone as younger men.
I reach the edge of the roof and pull myself up until I'm crouching on the uneven tiles. There's moss growing between them; nobody has been up here in a while. It makes spotting the man’s footprints easy, although I wouldn’t need them since his scent is getting stronger. His feet are massive, leading me to think that he must be half a giant. Or maybe he’s tiny with oversized feet, who knows.
Gryphon is already jumping from this roof to another, landing in an elegant roll that makes me almost jealous. The way he gracefully jumps to his feet and continues running without pause is nothing but beautiful. Far in the distance, at least twenty houses away from me, is a dark figure. That must be our prey.
My fingers itch, my claws threatening to come out. My prey. I’m hunting with my mates. I love that thought.
A meow breaks from my lips and I increase my pace, flying from roof to roof, my feet steady whenever they touch a roof despite the slippery tiles. I’ve done this all my life.
By the time I catch up with Gryphon, the man is only five or so roofs in front of us. Easy.
Lennox is running down below, but he’s a couple of houses away; the alleyways must not allow him to follow us in a straight line. No matter, we’re faster than our prey and Gryphon and I will be enough to take him down. No matter his big feet.
“This is fun,” Gryphon shouts, barely out of breath.
I shoot him a grin. He’s right, this is exhilarating. Of course, it’s also terrible that Lily got hurt, but running over the roofs with Gryphon by my side is simply amazing. I kind of don’t want it to stop.
“Stop!” I shout when we’re only one roof behind our target. He half turns, misses a step, and as if in slow motion he stumbles, falls, glides down the tiles, hangs above the drain pipe for a moment, then it gives way and he falls.
“Shit,” Gryphon mutters and jumps over to the roof. I follow him, peeking down the wall. The man is lying on the ground, his legs bent in wholly unnatural angles. He’s alive though; I can smell his fear and pain.
I could take the time and climb down the wall, but who knows how long this guy will still be alive. I need answers.